
How to make a fortune Ezine and Newsletter Marketing Part II

The 1st article was a warm up. This one is going to get exact with ads and resources to learn about copywriting. No one will give away this type of info with this much detail!6 things to consider when writing a Solo Ad and Email for Newsletter:1. Concentrate on Subject and Headline!2. Put together a headline that compells readers to continue on to the email.3. The Subject has to trigger an action which is opening the email4. No tricks by making ads that dont have anything to do with the offer. If people feel tricked they will delete it!5. Find ads that compelled you to open their emails Borrow the Subject Lines and Headlines that worked on you6. Ask a question that generates thought.Some Good Headline Examples: Virtual Unknown Creating Shockwaves, did you know about it? Have any idea about the Secret to Wealth and Health? Did your get to see this?Not Good Ex: "get in now, just started" or "we will put people under you"Goal if for readers not to prejudge. You want them to open up that email thats it.*Hint: You should write as if the customer is right in front of you. Don't LIE! Talk with them not at them. Avoid Complex words and concepts. The more simple the better. Nine Great Emaples of Subject Lines:1. How you can earn ____ Android Phones in ___ hours/days FREE!2. Guess or Assess? Which one fo these is for you?3. Unique Opportunity to profit FREE4. Hi Def Nutrition has made it here! Free Details5. Great News in You DNA: Fix health with Anti Oxidant filled Juice6. Absolute Science: Need Better Results? Then you Need A Better System7. Excellent News: Your DNA wont Lie! Details are Free8. Tried Network Marketing before and failed? Its not your fault9. My girl told me I was insane til I bought her Diamond earings she liked in cash This Email Formula worksTired of (Failing in Network Marketing) or (Drinking energy Drinks and crashing) then this will be the most important email you ever read. Inside you will discover how others who (failed miserably) or (feel just like you) are (achieving easily) or (sustaining more from energy drinks). In fact forget everything you you have ever been told watch repair tools about (building a solid business online)or (energy drinks). Get you hook up on free details:MLMLeadAttractor[DOT]comESSENTIAL Procedures to Follow (Have To's!)1.Create tracking for ads…(MlmLeadAttractor[DOT]com)2.Select 15-20 ezines or more related to your products or services that accept publishing classified ads and sponsorship ads or solo ads3.Write5 or more ads for each topic4.contact the publishers of each ezine by email or phone. Ask the following Questions:a.I've been a member of your ezine for some time now and I am interested in advertising in your ezine. Has anyone placed an ad similar to mine recently?(Email them your ad or read it to them)b.Do you think this ad will go over well? (You want a publisher who has relationship with their audience, if they don't know don't spend your money!)c.How many times each week does a new solo ad go out?(preferably 1 or less)d.What are your rates?Writing Resources:-Ray Edwards- RayEdwards[DOT]com-Ben Settle- BenSettle[DOT]com-Ken Envoy- myws.sitesell[DOT]com (Your words sell-free download)-Joe Vitale-Seth Gordon-Yanik Silver-Armand Moran-Maria Velosa - webcopythatsells[DOT]com-Deagan Smith- opt into his list, he has great copyEzine Marketing Checklist: -Know your target market-Sing up for Directory of Ezines-Research 15-20 ezines in your target-Subscribe to all of them using a new email account-Call/email the publisher (do they respond back?) try to get a discount on mailing-Write 5 solo ads-Track all solo ads with separate tracking links-Submit solo ads-Stop ads that don't work, but continue using the ones that convert

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